Frequently Asked Questions About Mountain Gorilla Trekking

Whereas much has been known about mountain gorillas, both past and the upcoming trekkers have continuously asked several questions on how to ensure a memorable trekking experience. The exception of mountain gorilla trekking experience has drawn many people involving travelers, researchers, school children, and conservationists all aimed at obtaining in-depth information about the mountain gorillas. There are roughly 900-mountain gorillas surviving in the whole world, which make an encounter with these endangered species a remarkable experience for all travelers.

How much is a Mountain gorilla permit?
Concerning the cost of a gorilla permit, each country i.e Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo has a different cost for the permit. For the case of Uganda, a permit costs 600usd, Rwanda at 1500usd and 450usd in the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, regardless of the difference in permit costs a trek in any destination is unique in its own way. Accessing the permit at a discounted rate is an advantage for budget trekkers helping them to save some money for other purposes.

When is the best time to trek?
Since mountain gorillas live in the tropical rain forests with slippery and muddy grounds, the dry season is the best time for trekking. This is between the months of June to September and then December to February. However, gorillas can be trekked in the wet season to make the trip more adventurous and memorable. Similarly, trekking in the wet season is cheap since permits are discounted to a cheaper rate.

What is the dress code for trekking?
what to wear
Dressing right for trekking is very helpful for every trekker. This involves hiking boots for easy movements in the slippery grounds and bites by ground insects, long-sleeved shirts, panties and hand gloves for protection against thorny bushes and rush leaves, sunglasses, hats to protect from direct sun, rain jackets and warm light jackets to provide warmth in the cold forest weather and unpredictable rain showers. Once a trekker is properly dressed for the jungle, an extraordinary experience is assured.

What are the dos and don’ts while trekking?
Keeping a seven-meter distance from the mountain gorillas is a must do for all trekkers. Gorillas are the closest relatives to human beings sharing approximately 99.8% DNA making them susceptible to human genes. The distance is meant to prevent the spread of human-wildlife communicable diseases such as flue and cough which are so harmful to the endangered species. More still, trackers are recapped to avoid any close contact with the gorillas even if the endangered species approach trekkers. Non-flash light cameras are the only cameras allowed while taking photographs.

What is the trekking time?
In regards to trekking time, it starts in the early morning after a simple briefing by the park rangers/guides. Once the trekking begins, there is no specific time to spend in the jungle but vary depending on the movements of gorillas and where they slept the previous night. This means that fortunate trekkers can meet the gorillas in a short time as 30 minutes or else as late as 6 hours if not the whole day. However, whether it takes short of a long time, trekkers are 99.9% sure of meeting the gorillas.

Where do mountain gorillas live?
Having only 900 mountain gorillas surviving in the whole world, many people have continuously wondered where these endangered species reside. Mountain gorillas dwell in only two destinations, which are Bwindi impenetrable forest national park in Uganda and the Virunga conservation area shared between Mgahinga gorilla national park in Uganda, volcanoes national park in Rwanda and the Virunga national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This means that for one to encounter the endangered species, he or she must visit one of the two destinations.

What is included in the permit?
The permit is an inclusion of the park entrance fee, the money for the park rangers who guide during the trekking and other services in the national park except for the accommodation. This means that a permit covers the park entrance and the money for the Rangers.

What is the age limit for trekkers?
Only travelers aged 15 years and above are allowed to trek mountain gorillas. It’s a mandate that everyone below the age limit (15yrs) cannot be allowed to trek even when he/she has paid or has traveled with a group of other trekkers.

All travelers are advised to read carefully and understand all the above frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking and get appropriate answers before confirming any gorilla trip to Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. All travelers coming to see mountain gorillas should be aware of all the above for an enjoyable and memorable experience with no question unanswered and no interest unfulfilled.

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