rwanda family safari

Attractions to see and do in Rwanda with family

There is no doubt that Rwanda is a good tourism destination for one to visit with a family. The land of a thousand hills, hundreds of hiking and biking trails, countless historical, cultural and religious sites, fabulous dances, music and ritual and the general cultural of the people is of great interest to tourist travelling as a family. Rwanda offers tourism features, activities and attractions fit for all people of all ages, the young, the adults and aged ones have got many things to excite and fulfill their travel interests in Rwanda. Tourism sites that a family can visit in Rwanda include the following:

Lake Kivu
This is the largest lake if Rwanda and the sixth in Africa with fresh waters to enjoy of a family safari. Lake Kivu is safe from dangerous wild water animals such as crocodiles, hippopotamus and water-borne diseases such as bilharzias and hence good for swimming, boat cruising, motor boating, hiking and sport fishing are all participated in.
Still at Lake Kivu, a family also has a chance to be served with different foods like the Rwanda’s national Dish – Meat Brochettes and some freshly prepared “Sambaza” which are Lake Sardines, often eaten as a snack with some Fries.

Birding and wildlife watching along the islands and landscape around Lake Kivu and the waters themselves teem with birds, bats and wildlife. It is therefore suitable for a family on a holiday since all these activities are enjoyable by all family members of all ages and at affordable prices. Family accommodation facilities such as the Lake Kivu Serena hotel are also available making the trip easy and enjoyable.

Akagera National Park
Located along the border of Tanzania, the national park is in the north East part of Rwanda founded in 1934 covering an area of 1,122 sq km. Akagera National Park is the only Savannah Park in the country perfect for a family with children of all ages good for scenic viewing due to the forest fringed lakes, papyrus swamps, savannah plains and rolling highlands all found in the park.

Game driving in the national park provides a clear view to the family of the different wild life in the park such as elephants, buffalos, topi, zebras, waterbucks, roan antelope and elands. Other antelope are duikers, oribis, bohor reedbuck, klipspringer, bushbuck and impala. Of the primates, olive baboons, vervets and the secretive blue monkey are seen during the day, with bush babies often seen on night drives. Larger predators like leopards, hyenas, side-striped jackals and lions are also seen.

The genocide memorial sites
For remembrance and commemoration of the 1994 Rwandan genocide that claimed the lives of thousands of people, the memorial sites were put up. There are 8 site located in different places which are Murambi Site, Gisozi, Gisenyi, Nyamata, Bisesero, Nyarubuye Ant Ntarama. These sites serve as both cultural and historical sites providing the intriguing history of Rwanda and how everything happened in the 1990’s. The sites are of great importance to families in that the young get academic information (history) and the adults as well. Families to Rwanda should therefore not miss out visiting one of any of these sites before living Rwanda.

Kigali town
Kigali the cleanest city in the whole world is the capital of Rwanda divided into three districts Gasabo, Kicukiro and Nyarugenge all inhabited by over one million people. Families visiting Rwanda are privileged to have city tours in Kigali the heart of Rwanda which provides an in-depth view of Kigali, past and present, assuring that one feels the genuine heartbeat of the city.

Along the tour, families pass by Kigali’s older commercial, business and residential areas, visit historic sites commemorating the 1994 Tutsi Genocide, take a guided tour within the Gisozi Genocide Memorial, and learn about the city’s diverse neighborhoods and local attractions.

Coffee shops, bars and local and international restaurants ranging from Chinese, Italian, North African, East African, Thai and Greek cuisine can be found around the city. Resto-bars are a favorite among Kigali’s residents as people enjoy a delicious meal early on and stay to enjoy the music and drinks afterwards. Kigali’s growing nightlife is sure to entertain any visitor to the city.

Note: Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills, has a lot to offer for families on a holiday. The attractions and features are both natural, cultural historical and manmade all interesting to family members of all ages. Families planning to have holidays should therefore not miss out Rwanda for great and memorable experience.

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